Monday, June 13, 2011

No...A Bigger Yes

How many times have you really wanted something.  You have your plans all laid out.  You know every detail and you are planning all of your next moves based on things turning out according to your plan. You wait patiently and.....nothing goes the way you planned.  You just received a big NO, instead of the YES you wanted. How could this happen?  The thing is, sometimes a NO can be because there is a bigger YES somewhere down the line.

So often, we believe we have everything all figured out.  We experience great disappointment when we don't get what we want.  Think about a time when something didn't happen the way you planned.  Think a little further ahead.  Was there something better down the road? It has happened to me, many times. Looking back I can see it, but in the moment I thought I was really being cheated out of something.

There was the song years ago about unanswered prayers.  Those prayers were not really unanswered, in a sense they were answered by not getting what we asked for, because there was a better answer.  The NO was because there was a bigger YES.

The next time you are disappointed because things don't go your way, try to take a step back and realize maybe it just wasn't meant to be.  Then keep your eyes open for what is planned for you.

Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.

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