Saturday, June 11, 2011


The weather is getting warm, it's time for bugs and bees. I don't think I know one person that doesn't run from a bee.  Such a small little thing can cause such great fear in us.  Let me give you a couple of examples why...

One afternoon we were working cattle and I was helping put the cattle into the corral.  They were all moving pretty good until my husband jumped out of the gate and let them by. "What is he doing?" I thought?  "He is letting them all get by."  I ran over, jumped in the gate opening and soon knew why he moved.  There was a large hornets nest in the dirt by the gatepost.  It took only a few seconds for me to feel like Winnie the Pooh with a hive of hornets swarming my head.  I ran, hoping to find a water trough to jump in.  They were tangled in my hair.  By this time the cattle were scattered and my husband ran over to help me.  The only way he could get th hornets out of my hair wa to swat the bees with his hat.

To say this was a trauma was an understatement.  I ended up having to go to the emergency room to get a shot.  Luckily I was only stung on my head and a few on my neck...about 40 times.  I can laugh about it now, thinking I must have looked like a cartoon with bees swarming my head!

Another time my husband was riding down the road on his four-wheeler, singing as usual.  Don't drive down the road with your mouth open...a bee flew in his mouth and stung him on the tongue.  Another trip to the emergency room because his tongue started to swell. 

I think we are all justified in respecting those little creatures.  I appreciate the work they do in the yard and the honey they make.  I just know to "bee" very careful around them and have learned to keep my mouth closed when riding down the road and if my husband decides to let the cattle go by, so will I!

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