Thursday, May 19, 2011


Years ago I was asked to speak about pride...In thinking about pride, I had a lot of different thoughts.  Pride can be good and pride can be bad.

When talking to the group of students, the obvious angle was school pride. There is also pride for our country and where we live. There are the times when our pride is hurt. Sometimes we have to swallow our pride to make a situation better.

There is often a thin line between pride being positive or negative.  We can often be too proud.

The kind of pride I am talking about now is individual pride and some of the keys necessary to achieve the very best for yourself.  

Everyone is unique, there is no one else like you.  You are not equal in your talents in any  part of your life.  You might say, “I’m not good at anything or I’m not unique.”  But if you really take the time to think and listen to yourself…you will find that there is something unique about you..  The key is to make the most of what you have been given and continue to build on that.

Look at pride this way...with regard to each individual and the keys to achieving personal happiness in your life.

PURPOSE – We all have a purpose.  Sometimes it takes a long time to figure out that purpose.  We have many roads to travel and many doors will open and close…but there is a purpose in life.  Our purpose may be different later in life than it is now.  It is our responsibility as you grow is to determine what our purpose is.  We should use the talents we have been given to pursue our dreams and help others.  When we come against something that we are not so good at…we can't let that stop us.  As the great basketball coach John Wooden said, “Do not permit what you cannot do to interfere with what you can do.”

RESPECT – Respect is right in line with pride.  It is very important to respect ourself and those around us.  Respect our friends, family, teachers and others we deal with every day.  It is easy to respect someone, when we remember that we are all unique.  The same expectations cannot be set for two people. .  Look at how people are different from you.  Instead of saying, “they are not like me”, say, “I respect them for how they are different from me.”  Most importantly,  Respect who you are, what you can do and the talents you have been given. 

INDIVIDUAL – As I already mentioned…everyone is unique, we are an individuals with our own skills, goals and purpose.  We are ultimately responsible for ourself.  We hold the key that unlocks the doors to the future.  Remember to pursue dreams. What is good for others, may not be right for you.  We can't try to press ourself into a mold that doesn't fit. 

DISCIPLINE – Wooden also said, “Discipline yourself so others won’t need to.”  When we discipline ourself to always reach for our goals and decide that each day is going to be our best.  I can also use the word DETERMINATION here.  When we pursue goals, whether they be academics, athletics or life, with determination we have won half of the battle.

ENTHUSIASM   A positive approach to anything, makes it easier.  Instead of seeing the glass half empty, see it as half full. Enthusiasm for life, for your dreams, for learning, that what makes it fun!

            Have a PURPOSE
            RESPECT others and most importantly YOURSELF
            Remember that You are an INDIVIDUAL…
            DISCIPLINE yourself so others won’t have to
            And do it all with great ENTHUSIASM

With these keys, the PRIDE in yourself and for you will follow. Mostly, don't let pride just to the negative side, by keeping allowing it to get in the way of the many great things in life and relationships with others.  

                                  "Pride and Grace cannot dwell in the same place"

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