Monday, May 23, 2011

Do You Know the Way Home?

For years our cattle would go out on the range and when it was time to come home, they knew the way.  Now we move the cattle back and forth from one ranch to the other, about a 8 mile distance.  This time of year they know it is time to go.  They stay close to the gate and watch for the day we have extra people and horses on the ranch...they know they are headed for the trees!  They know way, they only reason we go along is to hold back the front group of younger cows from going too fast and leaving their calves behind.   Otherwise, they could make this trip back and forth all summer on their own.

Our son is heading home for the summer today.  He goes to college in Nebraska...1700 miles away.  I am a mom, so of course I will be worried until he gets home.  I am worried about things like where he will stop, him driving too far the first day and does he have enough money.  My husband said "does he know his way home?" He said it half-heartedly, but really it is a large concept to take in.  Your child is that far away, they get in their vehicle and drive home...and they know the way.

There's a song out that says, "If you don't know where you're going, you might end up some where else."  I guess when you know where home is, you can get there one way or the other. It's like there is a navigation system built into your heart. When you know where you want to end up, you will get there.

The cows are going to be leaving soon, but they know will their way back home when it's time. Our son will be home sometime tomorrow...home is calling his name and he definitely knows how to get here!

Where we love is home,
Home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

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