Saturday, May 28, 2011

50 Posts....Thank You!

I am amazed!  I have actually written posts for over 50 days in a row and have had over 1300 reads.  I have worked to stay disciplined and it has really been good for me.  I enjoy writing so much and this has been my excuse to sit down and write everyday.  I never really expected a lot of people to read, I was hoping.

I have been writing about a lot of random things and have lists of other ideas.  I am getting my ideas at the strangest times.  I see or hear something and it gives me an idea. This process is teaching me a lot.  Sometimes we put off the things we really love to do.  I decided it was time to allow myself the privelege of writing each day.  It brings so much to my day being able to sit down and express myself.

My advice (if you are interested) is to sit back and evaluate what you are doing in your life.  What extra things are you doing just because?  What things do you have a passion for?  What are you not doing that you would like to be?  Once you figure it out...get going!  There is no better way than to take the plunge right now.  Don't say "I will start next week."  Do it now!  I have wanted to write a blog for years, just never allowed myself the time to do it.

I sincerely hope you get something out of my blogs.  If you are a reader, Thank You!  If you like what you read, maybe you would want to share the link with a friend.
I even have some people having the blog emailed directly to them each day.  I would also very much appreciate your comments. My wish is that the things I write will bring a little Blue Skies to you day!  Thanks for reading :)

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