Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What Bugs You?

Everyone has them...You probably have more than one thing that really bugs you. Pet Peeves, defined a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to him or her, to a greater degree than others may find it. Pet Peeves often involve specific behaviors of someone close, such as a spouse or significant other.These behaviors may involve disrespect, manners, personal hygiene, relationships, and family issues.

I was thinking about my list and wondering why certain things bug me so much. Does it really matter and why do I waste the energy worrying about it?

I found a long list of samples, some of which may be a Pet Peeve of yours...

-Drivers who don't use a turn signal.
-People who drink directly out of the milk/orange juice containter.
-People that don't use coasters.
-Noisy eaters.
-Whenever anyone says "Ya, know what I'm sayin"...
-When a person makes a sucking noise with a straw when the cup becomes almost empty.
-Drivers who won't turn right on red.
-When drivers bring their car to the wrong side of the gas pump.
-Not washing hands after using the bathroom.
-When your spouse/roommate uses the butter to put on their toast, and leaves crumbs in the container.
-Guys who leave the toilet seat up. 

When it comes to me, my list isn't too long, but there are a few.

-When people don't wipe up the sink area when they are done, I don't like all the splashes and water spots.
-Hats laying around everywhere
-Dishes on the counter when the dishwasher is less than a foot away.
-Inside out socks in the laundry
-Rugs that are rumpled and out of place
-An overflowing trash that no one seems to see

What are your Pet Peeves?

I have decided that I am going to try to ignore some of these things that bother me.  After all, in the big picture it doesn't really matter if my family has to turn their own socks right side out does it?

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