Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thanks For the Smile!

"It's so nice to see a happy face," she said. "I just got chewed out by another customer, it is so nice to see someone smile."

That made my day! I was in a larger retail store today and had just finished unloading a cart full of "stuff". I was tired and wasn't thrilled about waiting in line, but I always try to be very friendly to the cashiers. Having owned a store, I know how it feels to encounter "grouchy" customers. 

As I approached the cashier, who later told me she had worked with the company for 11 years, I smiled and asked her how her day was going. It was a small gesture, but it turned her day around. She told me that she was having a bad day because of the way she had just been treated by a customer.

We have always told our kids to go out of their way to be friendly and smile. A good mood can go a long way. You never really know what a person is going through and what your smile can mean.

Have you smiled today? If so, you have most certainly made a difference in someone's life, whether you know it or not. 

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