Saturday, September 3, 2011

How Old Are You?

None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.

When you woke up this morning how old did you feel?  When you set out to tackle your day was it with enthusiasm?  I am not young, but I am not old.  I really forget sometimes how old I am.  I think we are as old as we feel, some days that is older than others.

Over the last few days I have seen twenty-somethings that I watched grow up. How is it possible that they are in their twenties and I haven't gotten any older? That's how it feels to me.  Seeing these young people makes me feel old in a way, but in another way I just seem to forget that I have turned into a forty-something.

I have come to the conclusion that if we have an enthusiasm for life, we can stay young at heart.  Just because we have had a few birthdays doesn't mean we have to give up all of the laughter and fun.

With age we gain maturity and experience in life's situations, but that doesn't mean we stop living.  Whatever age you are...enjoy it.  Don't be afraid to laugh and have fun.  Don't ever let go of your enthusiasm for live, it will keep your heart and soul young!

Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Samuel Ullman 

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