Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Daily Gifts

A Holiday Filled with Joy...Day 20

Gifts can be given each day of the year...not just on Christmas. Gifts don't have to be tangible or wrapped. We can make Christmas one long, extended gift of ourselves to others. We can give without obligation, announcement, selfishness or reservation. We can simply give with love and joy.

Here are a few ideas...

Mend a quarrel, forgive someone
Find a long lost friend
Write a love note
Forgive an enemy and make peace
Be patient and gentle even when you don't want to
Express appreciation daily
Laugh with a friend
Keep a promise
Bake for a neighbor 
Speak kindly to a stranger
Spend distracted time with a child or teen
Smile, laugh and smile more
Talk a walk with a friend
Call someone just to say hi...no other reason
Write a letter on paper...instead of email
Have ice cream with someone you love
Do the dishes or a household chore without being asked
Encourage one another
Offer to babysit for a young mother
Be cooperative

We have been given the greatest gift of all time, that is why we celebrate Christmas. We can make a difference and spread joy by giving in return...just as Christ would do.

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