Tuesday, October 25, 2011

As Old As you Feel

Judging by how I am seeing things lately, I am pretty old.  My arms aren't quite long enough to see what I need to see. I have always said, you are as old as you feel and some days that is older than others.

I past the 40 mark five years ago and am now on the down hill side to 50.  Some days I feel it, some days I feel like I am 25 again...those days are few and far between. I think what gets me is the things that aren't quite the same...like my eyes.

I have always had great vision.  When I was younger I wanted glasses because I thought they were cool, but I didn't need them. Now, I can't even read the instructions on a box without holding it an arms length away.

We went on a girls trip last summer for a friend's 40th birthday.  I thought it would have been a great time to get my eyes checked. I even suggested that while they were shopping in the mall I could get that done.  Seemed like a logical time to me. I was promptly told no.  Apparently being practical showed my age a little too much!

So here I am, my eyes still getting old.  I guess I am going to have to schedule and appointment and get that done before my hearing goes!

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