Monday, October 17, 2011

The Bumps Are What We Climb On

“It's when things get rough and you don't quit that success comes.”

Bumps. Obstacles. Problems. Challenges. Rough Spots....Whatever you call them, we all have them.  No road in life is smooth.  There are always things that get in the way.  Problems arise, mistakes are made, things don't go as planned.  This is life.  It is what we do with those bumps that determine the path we continue on.

The bumps are what we climb on. The bumps are what we can use to make our life better. Sure, the easy way is to try to figure out a way around and not face the obstacle head on, but what will we learn from that situation.

When things are rough, our perseverance and hard work make us stronger.  The challenges show our true character.  The mistakes show if we can rebound and make things right.  All of this builds into our foundation of life.

Approaching a rough road with fortitude can make it easier.  Be strong and know that once you climb those bumps, face those challenges, correct those mistakes and over come those obstacles...when you are at the top of the can make your descent down...taking with you a valuable character builder.

“It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.”

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