Saturday, February 18, 2012

You Can Do It!

Popcorn, candy and a large soda. Seats a little too close to the front. Mom, dad and one excited little boy.

We arrived early to get a good seat. The local theater only showed movies on the weekend. Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings at 7:00 pm were the times you had to be there if you wanted to see the weekly movie selection.

This week it was the Disney classic, Snow White. This was a big night. He was a toddler and this was his first time in a movie theater. It was time to advance from the home video viewings of Barney, Zip-pity Do-Da and The Land Before Time. He was ready. He understood that he had to sit in his seat, be quiet and we couldn't rewind the movie a hundred times. When it was over, it was over.

As we waited for the movie to begin, he was very excited. Finally, the old projector started up. We were just praying it wouldn't break in the middle of the movie, like it often did. How would we explain that to our small boy. The previews were playing, all appropriate for a young crowd. Giggles and excitement continued to flow.

After about the 3rd preview, he decided that was enough. We were here to see Snow White. We has talked about it all week. He was standing in his seat, hardly able to contain his excitement. After the final preview, there was a brief pause and a look of worry on his little face. We could see he was wondering, "Where is the movie mommy and daddy promised?"

He stood tall on his seat and in his sweet little toddler voice yelled at the screen, "Come on movie, you can do it!" And the movie began...

1 comment:

  1. Giggles . . . you made me giggle this morning as I thought about the happy days when mine were mere tots. Enjoy the years for they pass too quickly.



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