Thursday, February 2, 2012

What Would I Do Without My Smartphone?

More like...what would my kids do without me and my smartphone? 

I would have never thought I would admit that I NEED my phone. How ridiculous is that? I didn't even have a cell phone until I was 35 years old, and that one I shared with my husband. I resisted on getting an I phone....but I eventually gave in. Now, my whole life (and my kid's lives) are on that phone!

Case in point...Yesterday I was at an appointment in town and I received a text message from my son who is in college in Nebraska. "Hey mom, can you look to see what room my Middle Eastern history class is in?" It was the first day of the semester and he had forgot to look at where his second class of the day was...the easy answer, ask mom.

He happened to be in luck. Just as I do each semester, I snap a picture of his schedule with my phone. I opened my photo album and looked at his scheduled. Within minutes I texted him the location of his class. Wow! That could have never happened when I was in college. 

What do I do with my phone? Everything. In the morning as I am getting ready, I listen to my Bible reading plan. I track my exercise and weight watcher points on my phone. My whole calendar is is there. My walking music play list is on my phone. I check email, can write my blog, can get directions and Google any question that comes up.

My son has had "financial" situations that my phone has saved the day on. When he was driving home from Nebraska, he had a blow out on his pickup in the middle of nowhere Nevada. He tried to reach us, but we were out of cell service. He got a hold of his grandpa, who reassured him of what he needed to do. Which basically amounted to getting ripped of by a small town tire shop. When he finally reached us, he was concerned about his money status and having enough to get the rest of the way home. In steps the smartphone. Log into the bank account and transfer money. Again, in my college days, I would have been plain out of luck.

I have to eat my words, I never thought I needed a smartphone, but I do. Much of it is convenience. But it has also solved some pretty big problems. 

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