Monday, April 18, 2011

Where will All My Children go?

Okay, I admit it....I watch All My Children (AMC)and have for a very long time.  I don't watch everyday and don't set the DVR (since we don't have one...a whole other story!)  I can pretty much keep up by watching an episode every week or two, so missing a day is not a problem. AMC is almost as old as I am. A defining part of my generation and the network is cancelling the show in September.

I can remember watching it when I was pretty small, all through high school and college and through my married life.  My mom set the VCR everyday while she was at work. I can remember Jenny and Greg, Tom and Erica, Tad and Dixie, Cliff and Nina and the list goes on. 

If some of you are honest, you might admit to watching too.  In fact, in our small town, I know a lot of farmers and ranchers that come in for lunch and do their share of catching up on the program. 

Why do I watch it?  Well,  the answer is simple, it is so far from reality it is entertaining.  Have you ever noticed that even when a character is broke and out of a job, they still have really nice clothes?  Have you ever seen a female character without make-up, even in a hospital bed?  How many times can the same character get married or be in the hospital near death?  Hospitals...another key ingredient...most soap operas revolve around a hospital.  Do you ever really see anyone work? 

What I would really like to see is Erica Cane in jeans, t-shirt and tennies with no make-up and a ball cap...the way I often look.  Wouldn't it be great to see a character actually doing the dishes or folding laundry.  You know, real life stuff.

I am a little disappointed.  I really can't believe there will be no more Tad Martin and the Martin clan.  No more eccentric Opal or Jessie and Angie Hubbard.  I guess we can all use our imagination to determine the end of each story. 

No more lunch time dates with All My Children....making room for me to do fold the clothes of All My Real Children!

"Embrace Change, Every Change is good" - Walter Breuning

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