Monday, April 25, 2011

No More Ears!

It was the day after Easter, lots of eggs left to be found, even the smashed ones still on the ground.

We ate lots of ham and freshly baked bread, only making the scale a place I will dread.

Lots of egg salad and protein packed treats, will be what my family for the next week will eat.

Brightly colored pieces of foil cluttered the table,  even some sugar coated Peeps to eat?  No, I don't think I'm able. 

Cadbury eggs for breakfast instead of scrambled, how these kids eat like this, I can't get a handle.

Too much sugar and not enough sleep, It's just Monday, I'm in for a long week. 

I follow the smell of fresh coffee that fills the air, ready to start my day without a care.  But what did I see when I sat down to write, a chocolate covered bunny with no ears left to bite.  He looked at me so sad with those fake sugar eyes, asking me questions filled with "whys"!  "Why did they eat my long chocolate ear? I look rather funny with stumps that can't hear."

Another Easter has come and gone, memories made and some sugar to live on.  I'm thankful for family and friends together yet another year...but what I ponder now is the poor bunny with no ears!

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