Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Babies...

A Holiday Filled with Joy...Day 27

My holiday was complete because of my "babies".  They aren't babies anymore, but to me, they will always be. 

What is is about being a mom? I had a conversation yesterday with a young person about motherhood and the "role" of a woman. It seems that some young people are recognizing the change in a traditional "mother" role.

It used to be moms stayed home, period. No question. In today's world, more mothers work outside of the home. Some out of necessity, some out of desire for a career and a variety of other reasons.

I love having a skill and being able to work if I want or need to...but I love being a wife and mother. I have always felt lucky and blessed to have a family to take care of. My family is the pride and joy of my life and I thank God everyday for blessing me with these gifts. 

As a mom, I will always hope my children need me. I know they grow up...but they will always be my babies!

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