Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It Could Be You

Sometimes we think we are invincible. We think "That will never happen to us." We make choices each day that can have consequences that will last a lifetime.

A very terrible accident happened the other day with consequences that will last a local family a lifetime. It could have been tragic, thank God the lives were spared. The family, though, has a long road ahead and the sad thing is that the accident didn't need to happen.

A family of four was traveling on a mountain pass and was struck by a drunk driver. A dad, a mom and two little boys were miraculously alive, although the mom has a very long road ahead. A lot of injuries and a lot of heartache that didn't need to be.

Was this a time a person just decided that they "were okay" to drive?

This is where I am going with this....I am willing to guess a large percentage of people have thought that way. One or two beers...a few glasses of wine..."No big deal, I can drive." If that is the decision you make, then that driver could have been you.

This accident didn't need to happen. There are so many circumstances out of our control, we need to control all of the ones we can.

I really pray everyone that reads this will think hard about the situation. Have you ever driven when you know you shouldn't? Don't do it again. It is not worth it. We hear all of the time to be responsible...have a driver...but there are many times we think we are "okay". Don't take that chance.

It doesn't take a lot to impair your reaction time and judgement. Have a plan before you go out. This is not just directed at teenagers and young people, it is directed at us all. The driver in this accident was in his late 40's.  I don't know him or his story. I do know that a bad choice is something he has to live with the rest of his life.

My prayers are with the all of the people involved in this terrible accident. Let's try to take a lesson out of this and prevent other needless accidents from happening. A bad decision...and it could be you. We are not invincible, it can happen to responsible and be it is not you.

Blood Alcohol Content Calculator

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