Thursday, September 29, 2011

If It's Worth Having...It May Be Tough

Every path hath a puddle.  ~George Herbert

Are there times when you want to give up?  Times you wonder if you are on the right path and doing the right thing? Times you question your situation because it is tough and not going the way you dreamed it to be?  This is adversity.  I believe that through adversity and challenge we become stronger and anything worth having may be a tough road to get there.

It would be great if we got what we wanted in life and faced no tough roads along the way...but that is not reality.  Easy isn't always best. We have all heard "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Think about it, when things are hard, it is time to dive in and show your true character.  It is time to tackle the challenge.

It is easy to give up, change direction or make excuses...but will that get you where you TRULY want to be, or where you are just SETTLING to be.

As parents sometimes we face this with our children in school, sports and their future.  It is hard to not just want to fix everything and make things easy for our kids. By doing so we are not helping, we are enabling.  It is important to learn that life is not meant to be easy and just because it is not easy doesn't mean it can't be rewarding.

The feeling of accomplishment when you have tackled a tough situation and succeeded and you are where you want to be is an amazing feeling of accomplishment.  You worked hard and you achieved.  Through adversity and challenge you became stronger.

From personal experience, I would say that giving up is not the answer.  There are a new set of problems and challenges down every road.  If by chance you find that "perfect, easy road" is it really what you wanted and where you want to be? Or...are you just settling? Give your situation a chance.  Look for positives in every situation and make the best of the situation you are in.  Work hard, be strong, pray, have faith and remember that sometimes if it is really worth may be tough.

I should put a disclaimer that this is meant in general terms, obviously there are situations that are not safe, etc. that need to be changed. I just believe that a lot of times people give up too soon, I know I have.  Believe in yourself and know you can tackle adversity.

If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.  ~Frank A. Clark

1 comment:

  1. Val.... How about that encouraging work of art? You are incredible and what a witness and mouthpiece for our Lord! You have touched on so many areas that are affecting my life at this time that it sends chills just knowing that God has a message for me every single day, through whatever means He sees fit and most of all prayers are being answered and my FAITH is building just knowing that walking in His light, even through the flame, my life will be much more refined and rewarding ! God is good all the time!
    Love you!



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